Back from holidays - new challenges on the horizon

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23 Aug 2010 09:52


I have just returned from my summer family holidays in Pieniny. Spending 100% time with my wife and 3 kids was definitely a very needed refresh after a challenging year. I had enough time to think about plans for the next year and gather enough motivation for upcoming tasks.

(BTW: For those interested in the uncensored stream of holiday photos check out my Flickr Gallery)

So what is up for the next year? Actually, quite a lot, and I expect the next 10 months to be crucial for Wikidot and my other projects. It does not necessarily mean there will be a revolution of any kind, but Wikidot is a perfectly mature project and business right now, and it needs smart management and clear way for the future.

Also, other projects I am part of (more or less involved) are going to surface this year. Either hit or miss, those projects are interesting and I will definitely keep my thumbs up when they go live.

Last but not least, I will write more (I mean this blog too). Last few months were kind of difficult the work required a lot of my attention, leaving very little time for blogging.

If you want to follow me closer, the best way is to follow me on Twitter. Thanks!

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