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25 Nov 2008 08:22
A few days ago a friend of mine, Michał Śliwiński, released the first issue of the new Productive Magazine. Michał is the founder of NOZBE, a web application that helps you manage your to-do lists, tasks and projects in the Getting Things Done (GTD) philosophy.
During the weekend I had time to read the issue and… it is great! Getting Things Done is an amazing productivity method itself, it is like a fresh breath of simplicity in your workplace. What the editors managed to do was putting the essentials of GTD into this.
The magazine itself features 17 great articles, including an exclusive interview with David Allen, the inventor of GTD. Other than that, on 30 pages you will find productivity tips, tutorials and more. Highly recommended!
The magazine is free (you can actually download a PDF or order a printed edition.
I really wish all the editors good luck and hope they keep the high quality of the magazine!
rating: 1, tags: gtd productivity tips workplace