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03 Feb 2009 09:12

As we hinted in several places, including the discussion at Pro tracker, we are currently working on email notifications, so that you can follow (watch) activity at Wikidot by receiving emails directly into your Inbox.

The feature is really great (we have it enabled for a few testing accounts) and allows you to be instantly notified about page edits, forum discussions, page comments etc. for pages, categories or whole sites.

So far our favorite feature is page comments by email. If someone adds a comment to a page you are wathing, you are almost instantly notified about it. Here is an example. Let us say that James commented on my blog post. Within minutes I got an email with full content of his comment.

From: James Kanjo
Subject: New comment on page "One post per day - will it work?" at

James Kanjo commented "Re:" on the page "One post per day - will it work?" at

Good idea Michal

Squark shouldn't you make a similar commitment? Michal's not the only blogger we are anticipating more posts from!

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The feature should be available for all users later this week. What we also think would be very nice is the "reply by email" option where you can simply hit a "Reply" button in your email program and your reply automatically gets posted as a comment too. But this will come later since it requires a bit more work.

Obviously email notifications solve an important problem of users not being notified what is going on in their sites. We have seen many contributions to both public and private wikis left unnoticed by other members. Although we do provide full activity stream by RSS already, sadly RSS is still not common and easy enough to use to watch changes at Wikidot.

So far we have seen this feature alone enormously improved our online activity at our own wikis. Hopefully this will also work for many other users.

rating: 2, tags: activity email notifications rss wikidot

rating: +2+x


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