Publications Presentations

this list is not complete. I am not working in science any more but will update the list.

reviewed papers

  • The simplest non-trivial model of chaotic causal dynamics - Acta Phys. Pol. B32, 2831 (2001) - quant-ph/0111155

conference posters

  • IAP 2002: Possibilities of determining the evolution of dark energy. (PS, JPG)
  • Canarian Winter School 2002: Scalar-tensor gravity vs. new cosmological experiments. (PS)
  • NATO ASI Summer School 2003: CMBrecon - rapid cmb spectrum reconstruction with scalar-tensor gravitation features.
  • NATO ASI Summer School 2004: Modeling and observing gamma radiation from millisecond pulsars. (PDF)

lectures and presentations

  • grudzień 2002, seminarium CA, UMK: Stała Kosmologiczna - depresja kosmologa (PDF)
  • marzec 2003, seminarium CAMK, W-wa: Candidates for dark energy: Cosmological Constant vs. Quintessence (PDF)
  • kwiecien 2004, Rotation-powered Pulsars and their Environment, Nondipolar extension to magnetic field of pulsars and its consequences in high-energy radiation. (PDF)
  • maj 2004, CAMK, Warsaw: Nondipolar magnetic fields in pulsars and consequent X/gamma emission properties (PDF)
  • grudzien 2004, CAMK, Torun (Journal Club): Neutrina kluczem do zagadki ciemnej energii? (PDF)