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Welcome to my blog — place for ideas, comments, interesting hacks and boring personal stuff. Enjoy!
Amazon uses Xeon servers for EC2 m1.large instances - please confirm
27 May 2009 07:05
I was surprised today to launch a new EC2 instance, type m1.large (64-bit, 7.5 GB RAM), which usually runs on Opteron CPUs, but to my surprise cat /proc/cpuinfo produces:
Tags: amazon ec2 xeon
Redis Performance on EC2 (aka weekend project coming)
24 Apr 2009 10:26
Weekend is coming and I have a very small pet-project for it. I would still keep the idea non-public, but it involves processing hundreds of entries per second, analyzing data from multiple sources. It would have a dead-simple web interface.
The nature of the project requires really fast data backend, capable of storing and retrieving a few thousand items per second. The dataset would be approximately 5GB, average item size: 0.5KB.
When it came to tools selection, after short considerations I have chosen Sinatra for web interface, and Redis as a memory-only (with disk dumps) key-value datastore. It should be capable of handling 100 000 requests per second and deal well with large datasets, so fits perfectly. It also differs from Memcached or MemcachedDB because it has great higher-level structures like Lists and Sets, basic sorting and selection commands.
Tags: amazon ec2 redis sinatra
Moving static content to CloudFront
18 Nov 2008 10:59
For the last couple of weeks we are thinking of ways to make faster, more responsive and more scalable. Personally I am fascinated with Amazon's web services, particularly :
- EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing) — virtual servers on demand
- and S3 (Simple Storage Service) — storage space on demand
I can see those services as a natural environment for future Wikidot hosting, but this is not exactly what I wanted to write about.

Today Amazon has announced another service, CloudFront — a damn easy to use Content Delivery Network.
Tags: amazon aws cdn cf cloudfront wikidot