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Welcome to my blog — place for ideas, comments, interesting hacks and boring personal stuff. Enjoy!
Wikidot on Cloud - part 2
09 Mar 2009 10:38
So as you have probably already read on my previous blog post, we are thinking about re-designing the Wikidot infrastructure to make it more failure-proof, elastic and more efficient. One of the concepts have is to use one of the "cloud solutions", e.g. Amazon AWS (i.e. EC2 + S3).
Tags: aws cloud testtag wikidot
Wikidot on Cloud
06 Mar 2009 09:48
Everytime we have an emergency situation at Wikidot (as yesterday with our webserver) we try to stop and think how well protected we are from different kind of hardware and software failures, network problems and even larger disasters (like our datacenter being destroyed). Also yesterday we stepped down from our daily tasks and looked at the situation.
Tags: cloud virtualization wikidot